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About Arcena Technologies

I formed Arcena Technologies in 2020.

Here's the back story:

I was one of those kids who disassembled items to see how they work. However, as in the case of my uncle's camera, sometimes I couldn't put it back together, but sometimes I could. I was fascinated.


Since then, technology has been my most helpful work ally. I started selling online to provide the world with low-cost access to the technology I love and support my growing family. At first, I started on Ebay and Amazon. Now, I have a full online store and plans to expand into some services. 

The Name:
My grandparents are my greatest role models, living simply as farmers. To honor them, I named my child after my grandfather and named my business after my grandmother. 

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The name is a reminder that profit is not the only thing to consider in life and business.


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